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高考英语方面有关毕业论文的格式范文 和2019年高考英语全国卷二写作题类毕业论文的格式范文

分类:论文范文 原创主题:高考英语论文 发表时间: 2024-02-22






你受学生会委托为校宣传栏“英语天地”写一则通知,请大家观看一部英文短片Growing Together,内容包括:





One possible version:

A brilliant English film produced by our schoolis to be shown in our campus recently ,which I he the belief that you must be interested in it.Below are some relevant details.

To begin with,the movie,named Growing Togeth-er,is about the development of our beloved school,where great changes he taken place thanks to the ef-forts of all the teachers and students. Actually,it is in-spiring and amazing. Besides ,it will be put on from 9:00t0 11:00 in the morning and from 3:00 t0 5:00 in the af-ternoon on 9th June, Saturday. After watching the film,a heated discussion wiube held and everyone can give your comments and suggestions. You are welcome to the first floor in the library building to enjoy the movie and participate in the activity. Your participation counts and let´s grow together with our school.

The Students´ Union

8th June,2018



如看到Notice这种体裁,就可以联想可能涉及的活动,如a new movie,a football match,a lecture,a speech competition,a discussion,a social activity等.

再如,看到watch a movie这个活动,就可以联想可能涉及的词汇,如star,at 7 p. m on 9th July ,in Room 301 0n the third floor of the teaching building ,put on/show,produce,release,publish,adapt f´rom,he a heated discussion,make comments on,give some sug-gestions ,follow one´s example等.



l.The movie ,Growing Together ,will be put on from 9:00 t0 11:00 in the morning and from 3:00 t0 5:00 in the afternoon on 9th July, Saturday.

A football match,competing between China and Japan ,will be held…

2.Anyone who are concerned about the develop-ment of our school can come to the school hall on the first floor of the library building to enjoy the film.

Those who are interested in English history can come to... to listen to the lecture.



l .The movie is named Growing Toge ther. It is about the development of our beloved school. Great changes he taken place in our school.

The movie,named Growing To-gether,is about the development of our beloved school,where great changes he taken place thanks to the efforts of all the teachers and students.

2.1 believe that you must be inter- ested in it.

I he the belief that you must be interested in it.



英语作文的结构多为三段式,即:导入一正文一结束语.如本篇通知:先引出话题A brilliant English film produced by our schoolis to be shown in our campus recently,然后适当拓展whichI he the belief that youmust be interested in it.正文部分简单介绍电影的内容、放电影的时间和地点以及其他事宜,如give your comments and suggestions等,中间适当进行拓展,如great changes he taken place thanks to the efforts of all the teachers and students. Actually,it is in-spiring and amazing,结束语部分表达期望:Your par-ticipation counts and let´s grow together with our school,最后落款即可.




如本篇首先可以在第一段结尾使用过渡句Below/Here are some relevant details.第二段行文时三个要点前面可以使用to begin with,besides/in addi-tion,after watching the film等表明行文层次.


1.表示并列:as well as,not only...but( also),including...

2.表示对比:on one hand... on the other hand,on the contrary/contrary to,though.while...

3.表示递进:even,besides,as for,what´s more. so...that ,worse still, more-over,furthermore´ but for,in addition, to make matters worse...

4.表示时间顺序:meanwhile,be-fore long, first/firstly, ever since, while,at the same time-,in the meantime,shortly after,nowa-days ,immediately ,afterwards ,later, soon ,in a f´ew days ,gradually , suddenly...

5.表示例证 :in one´s opinion,that is to say,for example/instance , as a matter of fact ,in fact , namely...

6.表示强调 :especially,indeecl,in fact,certain-ly,surely,at least,at the most,not at all,without any doubt...

7.表示因果 :thanks to,because,as a result,be-cause of/as a result of, since , so , therefore , then , with the help of,owing to...

8.表示总结 :above all,allin all,in conclusion ,on the whole,last but not least,in short,briefly/ in brief,generally speaking,in a word,as you know,as is known to all...

(责任编校 周丹 )



1、 也谈任务驱动型作文试题兼谈2019年高考课标卷I和江苏作文试题的审写 河南省潢川高级中学费明富任务驱动型作文试题被误解的很多 如有权威人士讲,2015年全国课标卷采用了任务驱动型作文试题 于是人们跟着说,作文试题出现了重大变化,标志就是任务驱动型作文试题 其实,任务驱动.

2、 2019年高考作文全国卷II素材运用 【高考真题】阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章 语文学习关系到一个人的终身发展,社会整体的语文素养关系到国家的软实力和文化自信 对于我们中学生来说,语文素养的提升主要有三条途径课堂有效.

3、 分析试题特点 减轻学习负担上以近3年全国Ⅰ卷力学实验题为例 高考物理试卷,以“立德树人、服务选拔、导向教学”为根本立场 即表示高考物理试卷有物理教学指挥棒的作用,无论是高中物理教学,还是初中物理,甚至是小学科学教学,都应该紧盯这个指挥棒.

4、 2019年高考作文全国卷素材运用 【高考真题】阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作 (60分)时间就是金钱,效率就是生命——特区口号,深圳,1981绿水青山也是金山银山——时评标题,浙江,200.

5、 2019年高考英语全国卷二作文评析 2017年高考英语全国卷二仍然注重作文的实际交际功能,即坚持实用的原则 作文的话题是邀请外教参观剪纸艺术展,凸显中国元素,内容开放性大,需要考生发挥自己的想象力 对想要得高分的考生来说,需要能结合要点.

6、 【2019年高考语文天津卷第20题】 下面是2006年度和2016年度有关“天津旅游”的词云图,是根据国内十大旅游网站筛选出的高频词汇生成的,字号越大,表示该词出现的频率越高,关注度就越高 (9分)  1 请对比.