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教育史有关论文参考文献范文 和教育史上的五位名师有关毕业论文格式范文

分类:本科论文 原创主题:教育史论文 发表时间: 2024-02-06


  Just by the nature of their work, teachers are in a position to profoundly[深刻地] impact[影响] the students they teach. There are probably one or more teachers from your past that helped, encouraged or even inspired you.

  Here, we look at five famous teachers from history that changed the landscape[前景] of education.

  Best Known Teaching Role:Mathematics[数学] teacher at East Los Angeles-based Garfield High School

  How He Changed Education:Students at Garfield High School were historically poor performers when it came to mathematics coursework. But after Escalante became a math teacher there in 1974, he helped record numbers of Garfield students pass the Advanced Placement(AP) Calculus[微积分学] exam. The best known portrayal[描绘] of this story of student success is the 1988 film Stand and Deliver.

  Best Known Teaching Role:Professor at Londonbased Oxford University

  How He Changed Education:As a lover and learner of ancient mythology[神话] and philosophy[哲学], Lewis was heily influenced[影响] by fellow Oxford professor and The Hobbit author, J.R.R. Tolkien. Lewis continues to inspire generations long after his passing[去世], with works such as Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters and The Chronicles of Narnia.

  Best Known Teaching Role:Teacher at several New York City-based schools

  How He Changed Education:Not only did McCourt impact several students throughout his various[各种各样的] teaching positions in New York City, but he also inspired students after the publication of his best-selling memoir, Angela’s Ashes. Books that followed include ’Tis and Teacher Man.

  Best Known Teaching Role:Teacher of Helen Keller

  How She Changed Education:As a visually[在视觉上] impaired[受损的] teacher herself, Sullivan was hired to teach the deaf and blind Helen Keller to communicate[沟通] with those who are able to hear and see. She went on to work with Keller for the next 49 years before her death in 1936. The best known portrayal of this story is in the Academy Award-winning film, The Miracle Worker.

  Best Known Teaching Role:Taught in several one-room schoolhouses throughout Minnesota

  How She Changed Education: Despite not graduating high school, Wilder became a teacher at the age of 15 and taught three terms before marrying in 1885. Her short-lived youth and the challenges she and her family faced in the American Midwest in the 1880s he been documented[用文件等记录] in books and television shows including Little House on the Prairie, Little House in the Big Woods and On the Banks of Plum Creek.







  教育成就:身为古代神话和哲学的爱好者与学习者,刘易斯深受同为牛津大学教授、《霍比特人》的作者J.R.R. 托尔金的影响.刘易斯辞世之后,其作品如《返璞归真》、《地狱来鸿》及《纳尼亚传奇》等仍然激励着后人.









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