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关于一片落叶论文范文 与最后一片落叶类研究生毕业论文范文

分类:本科论文 原创主题:一片落叶论文 发表时间: 2024-02-07


  She watched as the last leaf fell. Its descent to earth was slow and hard; every time it got close to the ground a gust of wind would lift it up to a new height. Minutes passed and still it didn’t touch down.

  She’d watched them all fall, every last one of them. But this was too painful. It took too long to fall. She had to look away. The others, all 896 of them, had made it from tree to dirt within a minute. This one was the last survivor, the last of its kind, and it took too long.

  Every day since autumn had begun, she had watched intently. From the moment the sun came up she would be there, at the window, staring at the old oak. She’d seen children playing in the lees, kicking them up in the air, running through them at speed, sliding on them when it had rained the night before.

  She’d seen it all.

  Except that last leaf.

  It had been too much to bear; she hadn’t been able to cope as it had finally made its bre descent. As soon as it had detached itself from its life-giver she had given up on pretence. That one time, she allowed a tear to fall.

  The nurses had thought she wasn’t all there. That she hadn’t noticed him going at all.

  She had, they just hadn’t made the connection. Every time a leaf fell she thought of him, remembered his ile or the warmth of his touch. She had wished for there to be more lees on that old oak so she would never he to stop remembering him. As long as she could think of him, he was still there in her mind.

  When the last leaf fell she had given up hope. A month and three days she had watched and waited as the lees fell.

  34 days she had lasted without him.

  34 days and 896 lees.

  It wasn’t enough, but it was all she could bear.



1、 不同采伐方式对大兴安岭兴安落叶松林与植物多样性的影响 摘要本文在大兴安岭不同的采伐区选择典型的样地,使用多种分析方法研究不同采伐方式对兴安落叶松林的更新特征、生长发育及植物多样性的影响 结果显示,适度间伐能够提高生物多样性,在采伐干扰的强度不断提高过程中.

2、 做个春天种树,秋天扫落叶的人 素材速用不要问我从哪里来,我的故乡在远方,淡然地存在于这尘世,哭过能笑,记过能忘,用心去感受生活,向暖而生,向心而栖 把父母赐我的名姓,还给故乡 山川曾经濯我面目,我终究不能以山为冠、以水为带,做一个.

3、 调查发现:南汀河流域橡胶树两病、季风性落叶病等植保问题尤为突出 为了进一步了解云南省临沧市橡胶、木薯主栽区病害基本疫情,推动中国天然橡胶、木薯病害监控体系建设,近日,中国热带农业科学院环植所橡胶/木薯病害监控创新团队牵头专家黄贵修研究员及团队成员赴云南省临沧市镇康.

4、 苹果早期落叶病的症状与防治 苹果早期落叶病是苹果树主要的叶部病害,苹果树感染后往往造成早期落叶,使树势衰弱,落叶多的果树,果实不能正常发育,也易引起早期落果,严重影响果树产量 引起苹果早期落叶病的病害主要有褐班病、灰斑病、圆斑病.

5、 落叶情怀 ★作者自画落英缤纷,湮得满地繁颜,吟哦声声,书香袅袅 我喜欢行于诗词歌赋之中,乐于美文佳篇之间 文学,深深吸引着我 阅读,为我打开了另一个世界的大门,采撷一朵野花,静享它的芬芳清香,阳光透过枝丫,感受.

6、 春天的落叶 你一直以为春天是不会落叶子的这是你的疏忽 它不过是没有你在秋天常见的一片一片地落 它为了初春一个夜晚就悄悄离开枝头一个夜晚就捧出嫩嫩新芽一个夜晚就埋进泥土支撑嫩叶一个准备擦肩而过的时光见证了这是一种爱.