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南非之行开题报告范文 跟南非之行(一)奔赴约翰内斯堡有关开题报告范文

分类:论文格式 原创主题:南非之行论文 发表时间: 2024-02-04


The Long Joumey

Leing Victoria, on September, 2014, we had a long trip ahead on our wonderful adventure. I love animals of all kinds, and so it had been my “Bucket List” wish to see the Big Five.

We started out by taking BC Ferries from the Island to Vancouver where we boarded United Airlines to San Fran-cisco. After a considerable wait we headed off on a nine-hour flight to Heathrow Airport in London, England. We had a long layover (seven hours) so we decided to he dinner at The Harlequin. We had been FORTY hours trelling from our west coast to the heart of South Africa. On approach, Johan-nesburg lay beneath us. Picked up at the airport, a five-min-ute drive took us to The Emperor’s Palace, a huge Casino complex with three hotels, a food court, various restaurants and a shopping area. As soon as our room was ready at the Mondior, we decided to sleep from noon until4 pm. when we went to explore the complex, shop a bit and he dinner. We were so ready to sack out early that night as we were being picked up at9 am fora tour of the city.

The Trip to Johannesburg

Jo“burg”, a very modem city, is the seat of Govemment for South Africa. It is here that the world’s first heart transplant was done. We drove by the hospital honouring the name of the doctor: Christian Baragwana.

We were the only ones on the tour and our guide showed us around and told us many stories about the history of the city including a visit to the Apartheid Museum. Your ticket indicated which door to enter. This excellent museum tells that story through photos, documents and film footage, as well as interactive features which bring the reality of racial classification alive. As we walked outside up a ramp, displays showed the photos of children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of communities, a mixture of races occurring during the 1800s. It was this racial mixing that apartheid was designed to prevent.

“Apartheid”, meaning separateness in Afrikaans, was officially in operation from 1948 t0 1994, though segregation had been a cornerstone of South African politics since the birth of the Union in 1910. Apartheid tumed South Africa into a pariah state, shunned by much of the intemational com-munity and almost tom apart by intemal tensions, including the infamous Sharpeville riots of 1960. South Africa’s belated emancipation following Nelson Mandela’s release from prison in 1990 is celebrated by the seven pillars of the con-stitution you will see in the courtyard: democracy, equality, reconciliation, diversity, responsibility, respect and freedom.

Legendary Singer of South Africa

Sitting outside on a covered pilion, we were enter-tained by a 4 piece band. They did typicaIAfncan music as well as Miriam Makeba’s songs of the fifties. Minam Make-ba was born on March 4,1932, in Prospect Township, near Johannesburg, South Africa, to a Xhosa father and a Swazi mother. Makeba began singing in her school choir as a young girl, and by the mid-1950s, she was landing local gigs as a full-time professional singer. By the end of the decade, she had made a name for herself throughout South Africa. Her singing appearance in the documentary film Come Back, Africa (1959) attracted the interest of Har-ry Belafonte. With his help, Makeba settled in the United States, where she embarked on a succesul singing and recording career. In 1965, she and Belafonte won a Gram-my Award for best folk recording. Makeba is best known for the songs Pata Pata, The Click Song and Malaika. She continued making music and working as a civiI nghts activ-ist until her death in 2008.

Then it was back to the Mondior for dinner and pack-ing for the next leg of our trip.1 am always taking photos of rugs with their beautiful pattems. This was no exception at the Mondior. They reminded me of seaweed and bubbles.



1、 悲壮的生命之旅亲历南非沙丁鱼大迁徙(上) 文 图 海盗王基德大地和海洋,有不一样的生命故事,却一样地动人心魄 在东非大裂谷西部的塞伦盖蒂大草原,几百万食草动物越过平原,跨过河流,大地在它们的脚步声中震颤;而在靠近非洲大陆南端的海洋中,沙丁鱼群.

2、 马来西亚之约(组诗) 作者简历黄宇周,湖南省邵阳市人,毕业于湖南大学邵阳分校生化系生物专业 深圳蛰居多年,也曾在杭州和厦门工作过,现定居于广西南宁 目前从事生物制品销售工作 十多年前开始诗歌和散文写作,作品散见于参花中国诗.

3、 约在广西(组诗) 盘妙彬西乡塘,我的郊外西乡塘1982,一头牛是我的郊外西乡塘2015,一所更名了的大学还是我的郊外1982燃烧的落日到2015还没落下落日是我的郊外邕江流水长,不见落日落下天地复量一遍,时光重来一次阔.

4、 爱是最萌身高差,山城百灵自信放歌约翰内斯堡 文/桐溪2017年3月的一天,南非约翰内斯堡的一席华人宴会上,身高仅有1 45米的重庆女子唐红,为大家献唱了一首中国民歌 动人的歌声中,一位高大英俊的美国男子频频点头微笑,两人目光的对视中,是无尽的深.

5、 约等于人间的爱(组诗) 春末,送别父亲那年父亲出殡,春风与我大哭一场荒芜的官道梁,尘埃和我一样失落送葬的队伍里,我十岁的女儿端着爷爷的相框,不停地落泪寒风凛冽啊,因为血脉里的那点痛她泣不成声,泪滴扑向爷爷的脸一条沟壑含着咽不.

6、 春之约(组诗) 春之约 燕子 从南方归来 用锋利的尾巴 剪断了 凛冽的寒冬 枝头抖了一下 大地揉揉惺忪的睡眼 风儿不小心 触动了温柔的河面 溪流怕打着河床一路欢唱 桃红柳绿醉了家乡 蜂蝶踏着旭.