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分类:毕业论文 原创主题:中学生论文 发表时间: 2024-02-28



Honesty is the best policy

Some people tell lies because they want money, others do maybe they are kind. For example, When I was three years old, once my mother said that if I always played and didn’t study, the tiger would eat me. Now I think my mother said this because she wanted me study well. But I think that my mother was wrong. She told a tie. Honesty is important in our life. If people would like to communicate with other, firstly, they must be honest. If not, nobody will like them.


Our new neighbour

Nigel is our new next-door neighbour. He’s a pilot. Hewas in the R.A.F. He will fly to New York next month. The month after next he’ll fly to Tokyo. At the moment, he’s in Madrid. He flew to Spain a week ago. He’s only forty-one yeas old, and he has already been to nearly every country in the world.

Nigel is a very lucky man. But his wife isn’t very lucky. She usually stays at home!


My Weekend

I get up early at the weekends. After breakfast, I do my homework. Then I usually go to the park by bike. I can boat on the lake. But I can’t swim in the lake. At lunch time, I go home and he a big lunch. In the evening, I watch TV with my parents. Sometimes I read books. Mum always cooks dinner for me. Then we usually walk down the street. I go to bed at about 10 p.m.

I like my weekends very much.


My fourite holiday

My fourite holiday is Spring Festival. It’s in January or February. People usually visit their relatives and friends, and eat lots of delicious food.

Last Spring Festival, on the 10th of February, I got up early. After breakfast, my mother, my father and I went to grandparents’ house together. We had a big lunch in grandparents’ house. After lunch, we also ate some delicious food. Soon, uncle, cousin and I went shopping. I was very excited. Because uncle bought a toy car for me. I love it very much. In the evening, we went home. I said ‘Goodbye’ to grandparents. At home, I felt tired. In a moment, I slept on the chair. My mother waked me up. She said,“It’s late. You should go to bed now.”“OK!”I answered.

That day, we were very happy, but also very tired.



1、 中学生小中见大型作文的写作 学写“小中见大”型作文题材,对于缺乏生活阅历又思维活跃的中学生来说,是一条不错的捷径 所谓小中见大,是指从小处看出大问题或悟出大道理,这是一种思维分析法 将其引作写作技巧,就是.

2、 中学生作文文风的必要性 摘 要写作能力是语文素养的综合体现,但在初中生的实际写作过程中,往往出现很多问题 笔者从事语文教学三十余载,有种莫名的感觉时时困于我心,那就是时下中学生的文风,尤其是学生为应付中考、高考的应试作文的文.

3、 视野第二届全国中学生作文大赛征稿启事 书香中国,文化视野,不忘初心,砥砺前行 在4月23日“世界读书日”,“视野第二届全国中学生作文大赛”正式启动,欢迎大家踊跃投稿 1、参赛对象全国在校中学.

4、 小学语文作文训练中学生观察能力的培养 【摘 要】随着教育事业的不断改革,在小学语文作文训练的教学过程中,逐渐加强学生们观察能力的培养和提高,一方面丰富学生作文写作内容,增加作文创作的内涵,另一方面引导学生们对作文中相关事物或者事件进行详.

5、 小学语文作文教学中学生想象力的培养策略 【摘 要】小学生的好奇心非常强,对任何事物都充满好奇,喜欢对不同事物进行想象,并在想象的基础上进行相关的设计创作,而作文的写作,需要灵感进行创作,缺乏灵感写出的文章将会失去光彩,学生作文水平往往代表.