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世界有关论文范文素材 与男性世界里的女强人相关论文范文素材

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:世界论文 发表时间: 2024-03-17


Her dainty frame belies robust energy, which drives her passion for cars into a car-care business empire. Meet Indonesia’s dynamic businesswoman Fangki Hartati.

There are 55 Auto Bridal car-wash stations across Indonesia, born from one woman’s idea to pamper cars just the way a bride is pampered on her wedding day. Twenty-seven year old Fangki Hartati has been succesully selling this concept since 2003.

Fangki: At this time, I see that nobody is taking care or hing a place for car maintaining, that this place there is attention special for car care. We he realized that car [sic] also are tired. Car also work [sic] a lot for us, day and night, during the rain, the wind, the heat. We never actually maintain the car; we only can usually wash. Then why don’t we do the detail, like using the cotton bud tool to clean the car, using the toothbrush to brush some part of the car, and give special treatment that never been thinking that other people? That’s why it’s not auto salon, it’s not auto maintenance. That’s why Auto Bridal, because we’re treating the vehicle, the car as a bride and a groom. We give special attention to detail.

Fangki knows exactly what it’s like to be pampered as a bride. She married her sweetheart four years ago, and she bought her hefty dowry of US$50,000 into the love of her life—cars, to start Auto Bridal soon after. Fangki managed to recoup her initial investment of US$50,000 in her first year of operations, and, after just three years, Fangki Hartati made her first million at the age of 26. Her novel ideas, such as the snow car wash and the ice cream car wash, had curious Indonesians visiting Auto Bridal, and once in, they fell in love with it.

Last year, Auto Bridal made a turnover of US$500,000. And, as though the figure is not enough to give her the adrenalin rush, Fangki has opened yet another automotive business, Motor Bridal, this time catering to motorcycles. Motorcycles, that’s a man’s world. Yet Fangki is already carving out a territory. In less than six months, she’s created three Motor Bridal franchises in Indonesia.

Fangki: We’re planning to expand around Thailand and Vietnam for the next maybe three years.

Even with a string of successes behind her, Fangki never stops looking ahead to better prospects, approaching multinational companies for possible co-branding keeps her busy nowadays.

When Fangki is not busy revving up her business, she’s racing with her husband.

Fangki: Give my adrenalin a good pump and it can release my stress tension.

And she also ensures that her daughter is as much a part of her life as her business.

Fangki’s diligence, innovative ideas and attention to detail has proven that it’s not impossible for a female entrepreneur to thrive in a male-dominated industry.














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