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创意论文范文资料 跟什么是创意写作?有关论文如何写

分类:mba论文 原创主题:创意论文 发表时间: 2024-02-10


Write Freely from Your Heart

Now I feel as if I saw you, my dear friend. Maybe you are young, you are the hope and pride of your family, you he a tender and sensitive heart, and you also he your worries and confusion, Maybe you are not young any more in the world’s eyes, but you he a youthful heart and he always been seeking the truth of your life. Age does not matter; all that matters is your heart. I hope I can be of some help to you on yourjoumey, as we leam to write from our hearts.

So, what is creative wnting? By the way, the stress is on “creative”, not on “writing”. Read it right and feel the creative spirit. Read it aloud three times. Creative writing. Creative writing. Creative writing. Feel it? Now, we are ready to go.

Take a piece of paper, and a pen. Let us try a free wanting beginning with two words “Love is…”, and we will continue to write whatever our hearts desire. We will write freely for five minutes.

Please don’t worry about your grammar and spelling. Please don’t stop and think. Please don’t go back, cross out or change. Just write freely, and as fast as you can. Time yourself. When time is up, stop immediately.

Now, read it silently to yourself. Honestly, how do you feel about it? Yes, it is messy (creative writing usually starts out as4messy”), and there may be a number of grammar and spelling mistakes, but are you also moved by yourself?. Do you feel that you he heard your own voice in English, maybe for the first time in your life? Treasuret-Keep it. At this stage, you don’t he to share it with anyone. It’s your precious baby.

If your five-minute free writing does not come out oothly, please don’t worry. Be patient with yourself. Be kind to yourself. It will come to you. In the next issue, we will talk more about free writing. I he full confidence that you will become an expert in the near future.

Listen to Your Own Voice

I’d like to share with you the five-minute free writing I did beginning with “Love is…”, together with a dozen graduate students at Nanjing Normal University, in September 2005, when I was invited to give a lecture there.

Love Is a game. Love is a beautiful game. People enjoy playing it all the time. Why am I here? Because I try to be a teacher. Because/ want to see whether it is possible/feasible to return to China to teach. It’s a dream. Its something so un-realistic. And yet, I always want to try something very impossible. To embrace the impossible. To challenge myself with the impossible task is my forite game.

And why love?If it had not been for the sake of love, I wouldn’t he the guts to come back. I am willing to take this risk. It’s easy to go to America, because everyone went there, but a lot more difficult to come back because that was not popular at all. Yeah, some people started to retum to China, they said, “more opportunities for development”, maybe for making more money. Well, I could he been prejudiced.

As for me, come back because of love, the love that my teacher ge me, a long time, the love I finally realize after this long…”

Did you hear my voice?I was trying my best to find a way to retum to China to teach creative writing at that time, and I was not sure what would happen. It was something I felt very strongly about at that time. As I read this free writing years later, I was still moved by it, and I was truly glad that I took the risk coming back to China. Love never fails.

If we want to use free writing in a formal writing piece, usually some revision is necessary. For example, in this free writing, maybe I should not say “Love is a game”, because“game” is too light-hearted and even frivolous, while I was so serious about my choice of retuming to China for the sake of love. And also, “something very impossible” sounds awkward;I will probably change “very”to “extremely”. But those mistakes are not that difficult to fix. At this stage, we just write freely. We will talk about revision later.

Write Truthfully to Express Your Uniqueness

So, what is creative writing? What did you get from doing the free writing exercise? What is different from your otherwriting classes?

To me, creative writing is, first of all, writing from myheart, without fears, and just letting the strong message comeout. Free writing is a great exercise in creative writing class.The first rule we need to leam is “no rules”, just write, but wehe to make sure we are writing, not thinking too much orworrying, and we he to write reasonably fast. This is exactly the opposite of the traditional writing class, which usuallygives us many rules to follow and as a result, we write slowly, calculating the words to meet the requirement, and we rarelyexperience the freedom and joy of writing.

In this book, you will learn to write creative nonfiction, which means that you will be telling the stories that only youcan tell-Shakespeare cannot take your place; he is dead and you are alive and you are Iiving a unique life, different from all the past westem writers, different from Lin Yutang and Hushi all of them were great, but none of them could diminish your importance as a creative nonfiction writer. You are apromising writer living in China today, and the stories in yourlife are unique. English is a foreign language to you, but thelanguage of truth is universal. When you write nonfiction, youdon’t he to make up anything; all you need is a heart that iswilling to tell the truth.

A man was at the doctor´s office. “Every time I drink a cup of coffee, Doctor, I he a stabbing pain in my right eye. What should I do?” he asked.

“Take the spoon out of your cup. ” answered the doctor.






1、 创意写作引入大陆高校后的教材评价和建设 摘 要创意写作经过十多年的发展,在图书与教材建设上虽然取得一定的成绩,但问题也较为明显,尚不能跟上创意写作在大陆高校快速发展的形势 教材出版业和一线教师应针对学生具体情况,提供质量上层、人才培养层次.

2、 初中创意写作教学方法 写作教学是初中语文教学的重要内容,它对于提升学生语文综合素质具有重要意义 目前初中作文写作教学缺乏活力,学生写作思维固化,严重制约了初中语文作文教学的可持续发展 创意写作将为初中语文作文写作教学注入新.

3、 贾平凹为什么不用电脑写作? 你为什么不用电脑写作”作为新当选的全国人大代表,作家贾平凹接受采访时这样回答——电脑开头没学,后来就再也没有学了 写作过程也是人修行的过程,磨炼自己、提高自己的过程.

4、 创意写作和卓越写作人才培养的平台建设 内容摘要在教育部推出卓越人才计划的大背景下,普通本科高校开始探索应用型人才培养和内涵建设,作为传统的中文专业也在思考如何培养适应社会需要的应用型人才,当西方创意写作学科引入国内后,受到许多高校的重视 .

5、 从美国的创意写作看中华文化走出去 摘 要党的十九大提出,要推动文化事业和文化产业发展,提高国家文化软实力,中华文化“走出去”就是其中一项重要举措,但也面临着严峻的考验 西方文化产业近些年得了蓬勃发展,这得益于创.

6、 彰显个性力求创意表达高考记叙文写作如何脱颖而出 高考记叙文写作如何脱颖而出普通高中语文课程标准(2017版)明确指出“写作要有真情实感,力求表达自己对自然、社会、人生的感受、体验和思考 ”“多角度观察生活,发现生.