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  With 80km of beachfront[海滨地区], a dusk-till-dawn club scene and world-recognised icons such as Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro attracts more tourists than any other South American city—around 2.8 million each year. Thankfully, the city has lots of options[选择] to escape the crowds and discover stunning[极漂亮的] Brazilian scenery[风景] beyond the beaches and skyscrapers.

  Rent a bike from downtown Rio and cycle 13km south to Ipanema, a high-class beachfront neighbourhood that helped birth bossa nova music in the 1960s. With a grid[栅格] layout[布局] that is easy to nigate[驾驶] on two wheels, Ipanema has a mix of beach and street bike lanes for easy, laid-back[懒散的] cruising[漫游].

  From Ipanema, ride 2km west to Jardim de Ala—a park and canal that separates Ipanema from its wealthy neighbour Leblon—and follow the waterway to the ped 7km bike path around Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon[泻湖], a large lake connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the nearby canal. Stop for a bite of a Rio street food fourite, tapioca[木薯] pancake filled with sweet or soury[可口的] fillings, at one of the many food carts lining the water, or rest up with a beer and bratwurst[德国香肠] at a bar. For a break from biking, rent a swan pedal boat[脚踏船] and tour the lagoon that will host the 2016 Olympic rowing events.

  If it is people you are trying to escape, five all uninhabited[无人居住的] islands off Rio’s southern coast definitely fit the bill[正合需要]. The Ilhas Cagarras feel strangely peaceful, even with Rio’s skyscrapers in full view. Locals sail around the rocky islands to scuba dive[用水肺潜水] and fish, or jump in the open waters away from the Ipenema and Copacabana beach crowds.

  Home to black and white frigatebirds and blue-footed boobies, the Ilhas Cagarras are a prime[第一流的] spot for wildlife watching. Between May and December, dolphins, sea turtles and even humpback whales swim off-shore. Divers can explore a shipwreck[船只残骸] below the waters near Comprida, the longest island in the chain, while less adventurous[喜欢冒险的] types can snorkel[通气管] or swim. Some boat tours also offer fishing for a chance to catch grouper, snapper and squid.

  About 240km west of Rio, the well-preserved Portuguese colonial[殖民地的] town of Paraty is a slice[片段] of old Brazil by the sea. Founded in 1667 as a sugar cane[甘蔗] mill, the town retains much of its colonial character in its cobblestone[鹅卵石] streets and colonialstyle churches, while its beautiful and natural seaside location makes for incredible[难以置信的] contrasts[对比] between history and nature—along with incredible photo opportunities.

  Today, cars are not allowed in the town’s centre to better preserve the old-world charm. And every June, during the Catholic Corpus Christi注festival, residents[居民] cover the streets with detailed tapestries[挂毯] created from coloured sawdust[锯屑], dried flowers and coffee. In other months, examples of the sawdust carpets and other cultural touchstones[试金石;标准] can be seen at Paraty’s Culture House.

  A variation of the town’s name (parati) was once a common synonym[同义字] for “a very good sugar cane rum[朗姆酒]” —so be sure to try some of the local cacha?a[巴西甜酒], or visit in August during the Festival da Cacha?a, where local stills[酿酒场] offer tastings and bands provide entertainment.

  Only a two-hour flight from Rio, Brazil’s Foz do Iguacu Airport is the ideal landing spot to see one of the most stunning waterfalls in the world. Three times taller and four times wider than Niagara Falls, which separates Canada and the US, Iguazu Falls separates Brazil and Argentina. In 2011, it was named one of the New Natural Seven Wonders of the World.

  More than 275 individual[单独的] falls make up the incredible cascade[瀑布], and visitors can view them on landings close enough to feel the mist[薄雾]. After taking in[游览] the rushing water, hike the jungle trails of Iguazu National Park for the chance to see local wildlife including swallowtail butterflies, toucans and jaguars.

  After relishing[品味,欣赏] in nature, take a bus or drive across the border[国界] to the Argentinean spa resort[度假胜地] town of Puerto Iguazu, only 20km northwest of the park. Book a stay at the Iguazu Grand, rated one of Argentina’s top resorts for its spacious rooms, gorgeous[美丽的] grounds and the man-made cascades that dot the Grand’s three interconnected[连通的] pools.




1、 把握新时代人大工作规律为明年谋篇布局 各位副主任、秘书长、各位委员,同志们本次常委会会议会期长、议题多、任务重,在大家的共同努力下,顺利完成了各项议程,取得了预期成效 本次会议表决通过的4 件地方性法规都贯彻党的方针政策、强化法治建设、凸.

2、 评刊表补白 6 92017年我国GDP总量首次超过80万亿元,同比增长6 9 这是自2010年来我国经济增长首次加速 1000万人国务院扶贫办消息,2018年确保农村贫困人口再减少1000万人以上,实现200个左.

3、 萧邦生肖限量腕表 Chopard (萧邦)腕表每年都会从十二生肖中汲取灵感,2018 年恰逢狗年,设计师以亚洲秋田犬为原型,推出L U C XP 莳绘限量腕表 漆艺大师增村纪一郎指导表盘创作,表壳采用18K 玫瑰金材质.

4、 葡萄酒中氨基甲酸乙酯的变化规律与控制 氨基甲酸乙酯(Ethyl Carbamate,EC)广泛存在于烟草叶及的一种天然成分,是发酵食品和酒精饮料(如葡萄酒、白酒和黄酒……)生产中所产生的一种代谢物质13 早在1943年就被证实是一种致癌物.

5、 缪斯女神齐聚上海,群星闪耀星座之夜欧米茄星座系列曼哈顿女士腕表全新发布 瑞士著名制表品牌欧米茄(OMEGA)于上海隆重推出全新星座系列曼哈顿腕表,并举办星光熠熠的庆祝活动 活动特别邀请了品牌最具代表性的四位女性挚友——辛迪·克劳馥、妮.

6、 老人吞咽吃力不妨试试表情操 老人会出现牙齿脱落、舌肌和咀嚼肌萎缩及食管括约肌松弛……,相应会伴随咀嚼乏力、吞咽吃力的现象出现,这都是正常的老化现象 老人可以通过装假牙、改变食物性状、细嚼慢咽……方法改善吞咽困难,还可以通过每天做.