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人工智能函授毕业论文范文 跟中国发行第一本高中人工智能教材方面函授毕业论文范文

分类:本科论文 原创主题:人工智能论文 发表时间: 2024-03-25


China has recently published its first artificial in-telligence (AI) textbook for high school students,fol-lowing a plan by central government last year to includeAI courses in primary and secondary school.

Under the joint efforts by the research center forMOOC ( Mass Open Online Courses) at East China Nor-mal University and AI start-up (创业公司 ) SenseTimeGroup , the nine-chapter textbook , named Fundamentalsof Artificial Intelligence,was written by eminent (杰出lyJ ) scholars from well-known schools nationwide,Xin-hua reported on Sunday.

It includes the history of AI and how the technologycan be applied in areas such as facial recognition,autodriving and public security. "The textbook focuses notonly on basics of AI, but also on practical use of AIin dai-lylife," said Chen Yukun,a professor at East ChinaNormal University , who is also a contributor to the book.

At present,about 40 high schools across the coun-try he joined the first batch of AI high education pilotprogram , by introducing the textbook in curriculum (课程 ). "The AI sector is facing a talent shortage globally.The publication of the book is a breakthrough as it takesAI technology out of the ´ivory tower´ and makes it partof high schoollearning, " said Lin Dahua,a professor atChinese University of Hong Kong.

As early as 2016,the government had estimatedthat demand for AI professionals may surge t0 5 millionin the coming years. "Many industries in the future willbenefit from AI technology,so the aim of the relatedcourses should be to let students learn the basic idea andmethods of AI, " Lin said.

China has made significant progress in technologi- cal research and development in recent years. Accordingto a report released by US-based venture capitaldatabase CB Insights in March,China has for the first time surpassed the United States in equity funding (股权融资) to AI start-ups.

1. Who wrote the first AI textbook for China´ s high school students?

A. China central government.

B. The MOOC center at East China Normal Uni-versity.

C. The AI start-up SenseTime Group.

D. Renowned experts from China´s famous sch-ools.

2. What is the textbook about ?

A. The beginning and developing of AI.

B. What is AI and how to use AI.

C. How to use AI to recognize people.

D. The use ofAIin driverless cars.

3. The underlined word "pilot" in paragraph fourcan be replaced by——.

A.project B.flier C.trial D.air

4. The AI textbook was released in China because of

A. the benefits of AI and need of AI personnels

B. the "ivory tower" nobility of AI technology

C. requirements from high school students

D. the contest in technology between China andAmerica

5. What can we infer from the passage ?

A. AI course will be extremely easy to learn.

B. There will be 5 million AI professionals in thefuture.

C. China has topped America in science andtechnology.

D. The future world will be influenced greatly byAI.








l.China has recently published its first artificialintelligence (AI) textbook for high school students,fol-lowing a plan by central government last year to includeAI courses in primary and secondary school.

分析:本句的主干是China has recently publishedits first artificial intelligence (AI) textbook for highschool students,而following a plan是现在分词作状语,表主动和伴随;名词a plan带有两个后置定语,一个是介宾短语by central government last year,一个是不定式to include AI courses in primary and sec-ondary school.


2.Under the joint efforts by the research center forMOOC( Mass Open Online Courses) at East China Nor-malUniversity and AI start-up SenseTime Group,thenine-chapter textbook,named Fundamentals“Artifi-cial lntelligence,was written by eminent scholars fromwell-known schools nationwide,Xinhua reported onSunday.

分析:本句的主句是the nine-chap-ter textbook was written by eminent schol-ars.Under the joint efforts是介宾短语作状语,并带有另一个介宾短语bv…and…作后置定语,修饰thejoint efforts,主语之后的named Fundamentals of Artificial In-telligence则是过去分词短语作后置定语.最后,from well-known schools nation-wide是介宾短语作后置定语,修饰erm -nent scholars.





1、 人民币进城:新中国经济第一战 1949 年,人民解放战争进入最后决胜阶段 但就在政治上、军事上节节胜利之际,伴随政治、军事胜利的不是鲜花和掌声,而是来自以上海为中心的大城市的投机商的经济挑战 在他们眼里,连江浙财团支持的政府乃至抗.

2、 试探部编本小学语文教材中的问题和 【摘要】部编本小学语文一年级教材,吸纳了语文课程改革的优秀成果,沉淀了课程改革的先进理念和成功经验,注重培养小学生的创新精神和实践能力,积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,加强语言文字运用,加强语文和.

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5、 用好部编本初中语文教材,落实名著阅读以七年级名著阅读指导为例 读书,大量读书是培养良好语文素养的唯一正道 阅读如此重要,但遗憾的是,我们的语文阅读教学存在巨大的问题一是受应试教育干扰,学生阅读量少,大部分学生除了课文,基本上什么都不读,读整本书的更是凤毛麟角,原.

6、 苏教版高中语文教材古代文学教学实施 【摘要】苏教版高中语文教材在新课改后有着明显的变化,文言文古诗词教学方面比重增加,尤其是对学生文言文及古诗词阅读能力方面,培养力度加强 从苏教版高中语文教材古代文学教材内容上来看,对通假字、一词多义、.