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关于食物在职研究生论文范文 跟经典美国食物不是源于美国方面开题报告范文

分类:职称论文 原创主题:食物论文 发表时间: 2024-03-11


7 月4 日是美国的独立日,也是品尝美国经典美食的最佳时机之一.插着美国国旗的热狗、汉堡以及“祖母牌儿”苹果派等是必不可少的独立日美食.但你可能不知道,这些美国人钟爱的食物并不是源自美国的.

The 4th of July is the most American holiday ever, right ? It’s filledwith stereotypes of American foods: hot dogs, hamburgers, potato saladand apple pie. But, hold on. Plot twist, those 4th of July foods aren’t reallyAmerican.


It turns out that none of these foods are American, but instead comefrom all over the world. Since the country is a melting pot, it makes perfectsense that their food is too.


Here are 7 foods that technically aren’t American but people still lovethem anyway:

严格来讲,以下7 种美食都不是美国的,但是人们依然很喜欢它们:

1. Hot dogs 热狗

The summer classic is not American in the least. According to theNational Hot Dog and Sausage Council, there are varying claims to theoriginal dog from Coburg to Vienna to Frankfurt. It turns out it certainlywasn’t New York or Chicago.


2. Mustard 芥末

This classic hot dog topping is probably the oldest condiment in theworld. It started off in Egypt before treling across the world and landing onyour burger.


3. Hamburgers 汉堡

Even though it seems that 4th of July is built on hamburgers, its originscome from the Mongols. It was then brought to Germany where the groundmeat was formed into patties and cooked, hence being called a“ HamburgSteak.”


4. Apple pie 苹果派

We’ve all heard the saying“ American as Apple Pie,” but how accurateis that really ? Turns out, not in the slightest. The first recipe for apple pieis in a 14th century cookbook and is far from your grandma’s apple pie.The pie crust was basically a container for the baked fruits and did not eveninclude sugar.

我们都听过一句俗语,“像苹果派一样美国化”,但是这句话到底够不够准确呢?事实证明,这是一派胡言.最早的苹果派食谱出现在一本14 世纪的烹饪书上,做法和“祖母牌儿”苹果派相去甚远.馅饼皮就是一种装烤水果的容器,甚至糖都不加.

5. Potato salad 土豆沙拉

The traditional German potato salad is served warm with oil, vinegar andherbs. Once it made it to the States, however, is when mayonnaise wasadded and it became the staple side dish of countless BBQs.


6. Ketchup 番茄酱

Believe it or not, most of the history of ketchup is tomato-free. Startingin 300 BC ketchup was made in China as a fermented fish sauce, and then inthe 18th century Britain created countless varieties. But it took until 1812 forthe first tomato ketchup recipe to be published, and now 97% of Americanssay that they he tomato ketchup in their fridge.

不管你信不信,历史上很长一段时间“ketchup”(番茄酱)里是没有番茄的.“ketchup”起源于公元前300 年前,是中国的一种酿造鱼露.到了18世纪,英国创造了许多种类的“ketchup”.但直到1812 年,第一款番茄制作的“ketchup”配方才公诸于世,现在有97% 的美国人表示他们的冰箱里有“ketchup”.

注:Ketchup(番茄酱)最初在福建方言里意为“鱼露”,又名鱼汁,味咸,极鲜,ke-tchup 是鱼露的闽南语叫法.

7. Chips and guacamole 玉米片沾鳄梨酱

Guacamole started out as an ancient Aztec spread, which caught theeye of the Spanish colonialists. Since then it has become more and morepopular with each passing year. It almost broke the internet when Chipotlereleased its official guacamole recipe in May 2015, perfect for pre-BBQsnacks.

鳄梨酱源自古代阿芝特克人,受到西班牙殖民者的喜爱.随着时间的流逝,鳄梨酱变得越来越受欢迎.2015 年5 月当墨西哥卷饼速食店Chipotle 正式推出其鳄梨酱菜单后,网络上几乎沸腾了.鳄梨酱是完美的户外烧烤餐前小吃.

It turns out these foods are perfect for 4th of July because theycelebrate the melting pot of American culture. All of these different cuisinesand cultures come together to create 4th of July foods, showing the truestrength( and deliciousness) of the United States.




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