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骆驼的驼峰是怎么长出来的方面有关学术论文怎么写 和骆驼的驼峰是怎么长出来的相关学术论文怎么写

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:骆驼的驼峰是怎么长出来的论文 发表时间: 2024-02-24













  “沙漠之王啊,”马说道, “世界刚刚诞生,难道应该整天无所事事吗?”
















  “看见了吗?”沙漠之王问道, “这就是你‘哼’出来的‘峰’.今天是星期四;工作从星期一开始,而你至今还没干过活儿.现在该开始了.”


  “这是特意安排的.”沙漠之王说, “因为你错过了三天时间,现在你可以靠驼峰里的给养,不吃不喝地干三天活儿.别说我没为你做什么.离开沙漠去找那三种动物吧,规矩点儿,好好表现.对你自己‘哼’一声吧!”



  《原来如此的故事》是吉卜林为自己的小女儿创作的,出版时吉卜林还亲自画了插图,作家的幽默风趣和想象力在这本小书中发挥得淋漓尽致.《会跺脚的蝴蝶》《独来独往的猫》,单看故事标题就让人浮想联翩.在《骆驼的驼峰是怎么来的》故事开始的时候,In the beginning of years, when the world was so new and all,简单一句就将读者带到了远古时代,沙漠之王的出现以及他的魔法则给故事抹上了一层神秘的异域色彩,沙漠之王和骆驼的对话以及最后故事叙述者的话则体现了作者的风趣幽默.故事很有趣,同时也包含了一定的寓意,这在故事后面的歌谣中说得更明白.《原来如此的故事》中每个故事后面都有一段歌谣,起突出故事主题、画龙点睛的作用.

  NOW this is the next tale, and it tells how the Camel got his big hump.

  In the beginning of years, when the world was so new and all, and the Animals were just beginning to work for Man, there was a Camel, and he lived in the middle of a Howling Desert because he did not want to work; and besides, he was a Howler himself. So he ate sticks and thorns and tamarisks and milkweed and prickles, most scruciating idle; and when anybody spoke to him he said “Humph!” Just “Humph!” and no more.

  Presently the Horse came to him on Monday morning, with a saddle on his back and abit in his mouth, and said, “Camel, O Camel, come out and trot like the rest of us.”

“Humph!”said the Camel; and the Horse went away and told the Man.

Presently the Dog came to him, with a stick in his mouth, and said,“Camel, O Camel, come and fetch and carry like the rest of us.”

“Humph!” said the Camel; and the Dog went away and told the Man.

Presently the Ox came to him, with the yoke on his neck and said, “Camel, O Camel,come and plough like the rest of us.”

“Humph!” said the Camel; and the Ox went away and told the Man.

At the end of the day the Man called the Horse and the Dog and the Ox together, andsaid, “Three, O Three, I’m very sorry for you (with the world so new-and-all); but that Humph-thing in the Desert can’t work, or he would he been here by now, so I am going to lee him alone, and you must work double-time to make up for it.”

That made the Three very angry (with the world so new-and-all), and they held a paler, and an indaba, and a punch a yet, and a pow-wow on the edge of the Desert; and the Camel came chewing on milkweed most scruciating idle, and laughed at them. Then he said “Humph!” and went away again.

Presently there came along the Djinn in charge of All Deserts, rolling in a cloud of dust(Djinns always trel that way because it is Magic), and he stopped to paler and pow-pow with the Three.

“Djinn of All Deserts,” said the Horse, “is it right for any one to be idle, with the world sonew-and-all?”

“Certainly not,” said the Djinn.

“Well,” said the Horse, “there’s a thing in the middle of your Howling Desert (and he’s aHowler himself) with a long neck and long legs, and he hasn’t done a stroke of work since Monday morning. He won’t trot.”

“Whew!” said the Djinn, whistling, “that’s my Camel, for all the gold in Arabia! What does he say about it?”

“He says ‘Humph!’” said the Dog, “and he won’t fetch and carry.”

“Does he say anything else?”

“Only ‘Humph!’ and he won’t plough,” said the Ox.

“Very good,” said the Djinn. “I’ll humph him if you will kindly wait a minute.”

The Djinn rolled himself up in his dust-cloak, and took a bearing across the desert, and found the Camel most scruciatingly idle, looking at his own reflection in a pool of water.

“My long and bubbling friend,” said the Djinn, “what’s this I hear of your doing no work, with the world so new-and-all?”

“Humph!” said the Camel.

The Djinn sat down, with his chin in his hand, and began to think a Great Magic, while the Camel looked at his own reflection in the pool of water.

“You’ve given the Three extra work ever since Monday morning, all on account of your scruciating idleness,” said the Djinn, and he went on thinking Magics, with his chin in his hand.

“Humph!” said the Camel.

“I shouldn’t say that again if I were you,” said the Djinn, “You might say it once too often. Bubbles, I want you to work.”

And the Camel said “Humph!” again, but no sooner had he said it than he saw his back, that he was so proud of, puffing up and puffing up into a great big lolloping humph.

“Do you see that?” said the Djinn. “That’s your very own humph that you’ve brought upon your very own self by not working. To-day is Thursday, and you’ve done no work since Monday, when the work began. Now you are going to work.”

“How can I,” said the Camel, “with this humph on my back?”

“That’s made a-purpose,” said the Djinn, “all because you missed those three days. You will be able to work now for three days without eating, because you can live on your humph; and don’t you ever say I never did anything for you. Come out of the Desert and go to the Three, and behe. Humph yourself!”

And the Camel humphed himself, humph and all, and went away to join the Three. Andfrom that day to this the Camel always wears a humph (we call it ‘hump’ now, not to hurt hieelings); but he has never yet caught up with the three days that he missed at the beginningof the world, and he has never yet learned how to behe.



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